The Dodd-Hinsdale House as Second Empire
On September 9, 1997 Second Empire Restaurant and Tavern opened for business and is now led by a team comprised of Owner / Manager Kim Reynolds, Executive Chef Daniel Schurr, and Manager / Special Events Coordinator Ashley Dyson.
The structure retains its original exterior, heart pine flooring, masonry walls, doors and windows. New leaded glass panels have been installed in the four original front doors. The four major rooms in the main body of the structure have been opened to accommodate restaurant traffic flow and to create a more friendly and unobstructed dining atmosphere. The original kitchen has been converted into a corporate dining room now called the Pine Room and a grand new entrance has been constructed in the area formerly used as a rear entrance. An elevator has been installed adjacent to a 3,000 square foot two-story kitchen, bakery and food storage area.
A tavern was designed and built along with additional private dining rooms named The Raleigh Room and The Capitol Room. A glassed Atrium room that seats 42 people has been added to the Harrington Street entrance to the Tavern. The entire restaurant seats 250 people and features Contemporary American Cuisine.
The owners, management and staff are proud to have been given the opportunity to play a part in the restoration of this magnificent structure. In its re-birth as Second Empire Restaurant and Tavern, we are totally committed to maintaining consistency in the quality of food, its presentation and service to our customers.